The first TV anime series of “Laid-Back Camp” started broadcasting in January 2018, sparking a camping boom. The latest TV anime series “Laid-Back Camp SEASON 3” has unveiled its main visual, where Nadeshiko, Rin, and Aya’s camp merges with Chiaki, Aoi, and Ena’s camp. Nadeshiko and her friends are holding hamburgers, while on Chiaki’s side, Ena’s pet dog Chikuwa is joined by an unfamiliar dog!
“Laid-Back Camp” is based on the manga of the same name by Afro. Since its first TV anime series broadcast in January 2018, it has started a camping boom. The anime SEASON 2, an anime movie, and two live-action dramas have been produced, continuously attracting attention.
TV anime “Laid-Back Camp SEASON 3” was set to air on AT-X, TOKYO MX, BS11, Sun TV, KBS Kyoto, TV Aichi, Hokkaido TV, YBS Yamanashi Broadcasting, and SBS TV across all nine channels. It has now been announced that it will start airing sequentially from April 4, 2024.
The eagerly awaited main visual for “Laid-Back Camp SEASON 3” has been released, along with a trailer! Scenes of the Outdoor Activities Club’s three members, camping in Ena’s backyard, and Rin and Aya on a touring camp can be seen. The ending theme by Asaka “So Precious” and the opening theme by Kimino “Laid-Back Journey” are also featured, so be sure to listen.
As winter turns to spring, they take new steps forward. With the catchphrase “Fun, updating.”, we look forward to the kind of camping they will do in “SEASON 3”.
The broadcast was confirmed for AT-X, TOKYO MX, BS11, Sun TV, KBS Kyoto, TV Aichi, Hokkaido TV, YBS Yamanashi Broadcasting, and SBS TV, with a new addition of TV Niigata.
Additional staff and cast have also been revealed. Continuing from the previous series, Shizuka Ito as Minami Toba, Mariana Inoue as Sakura Kagamihara, and Lisa Matsuda as Akari Inuyama will participate.
As we approach the broadcast starting on April 4th, the series continues to gain excitement. Whether alone, with everyone, at home, or outdoors, enjoy this season in your own favorite way, just like the previous series!
“Laid-Back Camp SEASON 3” starts broadcasting on April 4, 2024! Broadcast and streaming schedules are as follows:
Broadcast Information
Streaming Information
This is a story between winter and spring. Nadeshiko, Rin, Chiaki, Aoi, and Ena enjoyed group camping in Izu. Continuing their passion for camping, they enjoy their outdoor activities in Yamanashi and Shizuoka. Rin goes on a touring camp around Oi River with Nadeshiko’s childhood friend, Aya Toki. Nadeshiko embarks on a solo train journey to meet Rin and others during their tour. Chiaki, Aoi, and Ena spontaneously head to northern Yamanashi for a bus camp. The five leverage their experiences, sometimes overcoming challenges with momentum and enthusiasm, to fully enjoy their own versions of camping. A new chapter unfolds in this outdoor girls’ story of “fun, updating.”
Official Website
X (formerly Twitter): @yurucamp_anime
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