|Meet the Unconventional Hero, Mash Burnedead “Mashle -MASHLE-” follows the adventures of Mash Burnedead, a young wizard who was born without magical powers in a world where magic is everything. Despite his lack of abilities, Mash compensates with his incredible physical strength and fighting skills, which come in handy when …
Jujutsu Kaisen” is a manga series by Akutami Gege based on curses and the sorcerers who exorcise them, and has been serialized in “Shukan Shonen Jump” (Shueisha) since 2018. Itadori Eugene, a high school student living in Sendai, is transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Spiritual Arts and Sciences …
MASHLE” is a magical fantasy manga that has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2020 and has gained popularity due to its surreal gag elements. In this article, we will introduce each volume of “MASHLE” with spoilers, and discuss its interesting charm, evaluation, and highlights. In addition, we will …
In commemoration of the broadcast of “Mobile Suit Gundam THE WITCH FROM MERCURY” Season 2 on MBS/TBS 28 stations nationwide from April 2023, “Gundam Project,” a cross-divisional project of the Namco Bandai Group, will hold its first independent exhibition event Mobile Suit Gundam THE WITCH FROM MERCURY EXPO” will be …