|Chainsaw Man’s Anime Teaser It was announced this week that the popular manga series, Chainsaw Man will become an anime with help from the creators of Dorohedoro and Jujutsu Kaisen. The Shukan Shonen Jump series has sold over 5 million copies including the digital version. With the exciting announcement, we …
The “Ichiban Kuji Lottery: Jujutsu Kaisen”, featuring items from the TV anime/comic “Jujutsu Kaisen”, will be available at bookstores and “Lawson” from December 19 (Sat). |Prize Lineup The first prize is a gorgeous canvas board with illustrations of the main characters, Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro. Prizes B to E …
An annual festival presented by the BANDAI SPIRITS collectors division, “TAMASHII NATION” a soul figure festival gathering more than 500 latest figures is held online this year.In this event, all sorts of genres such as the Kamen Rider series, Ultraman series, Dragon Ball series, and other hero and robot action …
A leading cut for episode 7 for “Rent-A-Girlfriend” (a.k.a KanoKari) has been announced for 21 August. The preview of the 7th episode “Rent-A-Girlfriend” was released on Youtube. This is a web-only version with different content from the next announcement when TV is on air, so if you’re interested, come check …
|Introducing the prizes from the first half of December! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”smile.png” name=”Nazuna”]Hey guys! Hows everything going? It’s now the last month of this year! Time flies really fast don’t they? Okay so I’m here to bring you the recommended prizes that’ll come out this December! Hope you find …