Step into the World of Digimon Animation Relive the world of Digimon Adventure with various exhibits. Event Details Revealed! The anime “Digimon Adventure” celebrates its 25th anniversary. The exhibition features precious materials such as setting documents, art boards, storyboards, and scripts from 25 years ago. Special displays include photo spots …
Akihabara is a haven for gamers from all around the world, known for its plethora of arcades. In this guide, we’ll cover the highlights, locations, and features of Akihabara’s most popular arcades. By focusing on keywords such as “akihabara,” “akihabara arcade game,” and “akihabara arcade,” we aim to provide an …
Features Tokyo Leisureland Akihabara 1 is a dream destination for gaming enthusiasts. This expansive game center offers a wide variety of entertainment options, ranging from the latest video games to classic arcade games. Its spacious layout and comprehensive facilities ensure that everyone who visits can find something to enjoy. Games …
Features Akihabara Hey, also known as Hirose Entertainment Yard (HEY), is one of the most iconic game centers in Akihabara, Tokyo. Renowned for its extensive collection of arcade games, HEY offers a nostalgic yet modern gaming experience. The ambiance is characterized by dim LED lighting, creating a futuristic atmosphere that …
A large-scale exhibition revealing the “behind-the-scenes secrets” of the popular manga “Jujutsu Kaisen” (written by Gege Akutami and published by Shueisha), currently serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump,” will be held at Hikarie Hall in Shibuya Hikarie from July 6, 2024, to August 27, 2024. Jujutsu Kaisen Exhibition to be Held …
Bandai Namco Holdings will exhibit a life-sized Gundam statue at the private pavilion “GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE PAVILION” during the 2025 Osaka/Kansai Expo. This will be the first installation of a life-sized Gundam statue in the Kansai area, repurposing the materials from the Gundam displayed at “GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA,” which was …
Introduction Yugijou Akihabara Yugijou Akihabara is a premier destination for crane game enthusiasts located in the bustling Akihabara district of Tokyo. Known for its extensive selection of crane games and unique prizes, this game center offers an exciting experience for both seasoned players and newcomers. This guide covers its features, …
Discover Game Panic Akihabara: A Gamer’s Paradise Overview: Game Panic Akihabara is one of the latest additions to Akihabara’s renowned arcade scene. This vibrant and dynamic arcade spans multiple floors, each dedicated to different types of games and entertainment, making it a must-visit for gaming enthusiasts and fans of otaku …
Features Tokyo Leisureland Akihabara 2nd Store is a must-visit destination for gaming enthusiasts located inside the iconic Don Quijote Akihabara building. This game center spans two floors, offering a variety of entertainment options including the latest video, crane, and arcade games. It’s renowned for its vast selection of UFO catcher …
Introduction Taito Station Akihabara, a must-visit gaming haven for enthusiasts and tourists alike, stands as a hallmark of Tokyo’s vibrant gaming culture. This guide delves into the distinctive features of Taito Station Akihabara, exploring the variety of games available on each floor, its location, and operating hours, ensuring you have …