Sailor Moon” has been serialized in the girls’ manga magazine “Nakayoshi” since 1991, and has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. In 2014, “Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Crystal,” a new animated series that faithfully depicts the original story by Naoko Takeuchi, was launched. In 2014, “Sailor Moon Crystal,” a …
|20,Dec 2020 Weekly Best Cosplayers [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”surprise.png” name=”Nazuna”]Here are some of the cosplays I thought looked great this week (12/14-12/20)![/speech_bubble] ◆ ももなぐみ(i7垢)@27a!天 @momo7gumi◆ IDOLiSH7/KUJYO-TEN(KYUBI) アイドリッシュセブン/九条 天 ◆穂波あみ @nuyu_uyun ◆ Different World from Zero, Re:Zero/Elsa Granhiert Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 / エルザ・グランヒルテ ◆らぐ⛄ @girasol6971 ◆ Kantai Collection / SUZUYA/KUMANO 艦これ(艦隊これくしょん)/鈴谷/熊野 [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”zzz .png” name=”Nazuna”]”SUZUKUMA” …