|Introducing the prizes from the first half of December! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”smile.png” name=”Nazuna”]Hey guys! Hows everything going? It’s now the last month of this year! Time flies really fast don’t they? Okay so I’m here to bring you the recommended prizes that’ll come out this December! Hope you find …
|Prizes from November [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”smile.png” name=”Nazuna”]Hey hows it going guys! November has just ended but there is still hope! I’m here to introduce the prizes from late November! Are you ready? Okay then, let’s go!![/speech_bubble] |Figures ・11/22 Idol M@ster Cinderella Girls EQX Figure ~Sachiko Ver.~ [speech_bubble …
[speech_bubble type=”fb” subtype=”L1″ icon=”smile.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys Nazuna here!! [/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type=”fb” subtype=”R1″ icon=”yandere.png” name=”Dark Nazuna”] Did you already know? Our beloved “Manga Time Kirara”s official event is held in Akihabara this November! [/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type=”fb” subtype=”L1″ icon=”tehe.png” name=”Nazuna”] So Let’s check out how to get to the event …
|Prize released during 11/1 ~ 11/15 [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”smile.png” name=”Nazuna”]Hey guys how’s every thing going?? Starting from this month, I’ll be introducing anime merchandises that’ll be in arcades and will be the prize for each month!! Some may be limited things so if you are a gamer and …