“Delicious in Dungeon,” a popular manga turned anime with its unique concept of “eating monsters,” is known for its mix of humor-filled interactions among comrades and a grand narrative. This article thoroughly introduces the protagonist, Laios Thorden, covering his profile and charm! Profile of Laios Thorden from “Delicious in Dungeon” …
Rent-A-Girlfriend_Introduction: The world of manga and anime is filled with captivating stories that explore the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Among the vast array of titles, “Rent-A-Girlfriend,” also known as “Kanojo, Okarishimasu,” has emerged as a popular series that has captured the hearts of readers and viewers alike. With …
“Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” has garnered attention for its emotionally resonant storytelling. This article will introduce a compilation of heartrending scenes, quotes, and lines from the series, which have drawn many fans, especially following its anime adaptation. We will cover various topics including the reasons why “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” …
Introducing the synopsis, characters, and impressions of the manga “Zon 100: 100 Things I Want to Do Before Becoming a Zombie.” This manga follows the story of a protagonist working in a black company who lives positively in a town overrun by zombies. Let’s delve into the overview, synopsis, character …
‘The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses,’ by Fujichika Kome, which gained traction on social media, is a close-range romantic comedy depicting the endearing and pure love between a timid boy and an airheaded girl. The anime adaptation of ‘Sukimega,’ which has been trending on social media, is currently airing …
This section introduces the Contractual Curse Technique (Shokutakushiki) from “Jujutsu Kaisen.” This technique involves the use of a scroll as a barrier, which can be endowed with special powers by a sorcerer. Additionally, a sorcerer can delegate their scroll to someone else, a method known as the Contractual Curse Technique. …
The plot summary spoilers for the original light novel of The Apothecary Diaries are garnering attention, along with differences between the two manga versions and character introductions. As one of the most talked about series right now, its worldbuilding, terminology, and characters are a hot topic. This article will introduce …
In the world of light novels, ‘old dudes’ are making a remarkable impact. Shiina Howahowa’s “A Playthrough of a Certain Dude’s VRMMO Life” (published by Alphapolis) has started airing as a TV anime this October. Kishiba Kiraku’s “A Rookie Old Man Adventurer, Trained to Death by the Strongest Party, Becomes …