
Explore the character of Briar in “Frieren”

A bald magician with a unique aura. Learn about his abilities, his relationships with party members Edel and Dunst, and his encounters in the second exam. Briar, a bald magician in “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End,” forms a party with Edel and Dunst during the first-class mage exam. Known for his …


The Reasons Why “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” Is Heartrending – An Overview of Memorable Scenes, Quotes, and Lines

“Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” has garnered attention for its emotionally resonant storytelling. This article will introduce a compilation of heartrending scenes, quotes, and lines from the series, which have drawn many fans, especially following its anime adaptation. We will cover various topics including the reasons why “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” …


Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Why Did Zerrier Disqualify Frieren? Exploring Their Relationship

In “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End,” Zerrier, an elven mage, appears as a significant character. Zerrier is the head of the Continental Magic Association and holds a position managing mages worldwide. In the selection exam for first-class mages, Zerrier personally attends as an interviewer for the third phase. During this phase, …