
Introducing Japanese Illustrators Vol.4 ~Regular~

Hello there everyone, I’m Ryusei. Today, I’m going to introduce “Regular”, who mainly works on illustrating the characters from Idol M@ster Cinderella Girls. Not only the drawings are great but Regular illustrates my favorite charater Chie Sasaki and that is a big thing for me!! There’s nothing but happiness and …


Introducing Japanese Illustrators Vol.3 ~Yoshioka~

Hey there is’t Moyashi (@moyac_moyab) and today I’d like to introduce Yoshioka (@O10fu). After 2 years since the game was released the game still is popular among gamers and its name is “Bloodborne”. Yoshioka illustrates this fantastic world of Bloodborne and also other spin-off’s of other products. Well I know …


Introducing Japanese Illustrators Vol.1 ~Ivi~

  | It starts Again!! Hello there everyone, I’m Ryusei. Today as usual, I’d like to introduce one of my favorite illustrator whom mainly draws Idol M@ster character, Ivi (@lvi_twi) !!! Ivi is the P of Airi which leads to great drawings when it comes to this character. The touch …


Introducing Japanese Illustrator Vol.2 “Kurumitsu”

Hey guys, it’s Ryusei. Today, I’d like to introduce you Kurumitsu (@krkrkr32), whose a fan of Idol M@ster and illustrates them and the point that I would like you to check out is the coloring and the touch to the drawings. This brings out the cuteness of the character which …