God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!! a popular light novel series written by Natsume Akatsuki and illustrated by Cacao Lantern. ”Combatants Will Be Dispatched!” will start airing on TV anime in April 2021. The first PV has now been released. | TV Animation “Combatants Will Be Dispatched! Latest Information Teaser …
|3,Jan 2021 Weekly Best Cosplayers [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”surprise.png” name=”Nazuna”]Christmas has passed and the end of the year is just around the corner. How are you guys doing in these days? Here are some of the cosplays I thought looked great this week (12/28-1/3)![/speech_bubble] ◆千阳(ちよ)@tokio0131◆ Dolls Frontline/HK416 ドールズフロントライン/HK416 ◆香椎🔮 @ca4i_cos◆ …
Thumbnail image from @senanana_cos ■ Index– Check Point– Cosplay Gallery– One Point from Nazuna! | Check Point In these recent days, she mainly does cosplays of various characters from the famous game “Arknights” which holds quite a phenomenal amount of fans from all over the world! You may have heard …
|27,Dec 2020 Weekly Best Cosplayers [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”surprise.png” name=”Nazuna”]Christmas has passed and the end of the year is just around the corner. How are you guys doing in these days? Here are some of the cosplays I thought looked great this week (12/21-12/27)![/speech_bubble] ◆Ayaki_99 新作boothで通販中@Ayaki_chuchu99◆ granbluefantasy/Narmaya グランブルーファンタジー/ナルメヤ ◆チェリ☆アルベルティーナ @cheri_424◆ …