
Introducing cosplayer Vol.17 “Tomiko”

thumbnail image from@1035_magica‘s cosplay of Hi everyone, Nazuna here! I’ve came up with some super kawaii cosplayer for you guys so that you can fight through this week! Hope you’ll like it! Okay then, lets get going! 皆(みんな)なずなだよ!今日(きょう)も皆が今週(こんしゅう)の乗り切る(のりきる)ために可愛い(かわいい)コスプレイヤーのとみこさんを紹介(しょうかい)するよ! それでは早速(さっそく)見て(みて)癒されて(いやれされて)いこう!   | Cosplay Gallery   曜ちゃんコスで知ってフォローしてくれた方多いと思うので、制服のコスプレもしてましたアピール⚓️ — とみこ🍣 (@1035_magica) 2018年8月15日 …

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Introducing Illustrator Vol.15 “AruTera”

サムネイルはあるてらさんのTwitter(@TeraAru6262)より Thumbnail from “AruTera”(@TeraAru6262) Hi, it’s me Nazuna! Still haven’t fully recovered from C94 yet  but I’m doing good! Well today I’m here to introduce you another illustrator and yes this is the 15 volume for this corner and I’m super excited how far we can go! Today’s illustrator has …

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Introducing cosplayer Vol.16 “Yukise Haru”

thumbnail image from@uniharu0626‘s cosplay of Misa Hey guy’s Nazuna( here! Today I’ll be introducing you “Yukise Haru”! Her tweets are filled with “Splatoon” but not only she is good at this game but also really cute! Hope this’ll charge your power for the week! Okay then, let’s go! 皆(みんな)なずなだよ!今日(きょう)もめっちゃ可愛い(かわいい)コスプレイヤーの雪瀬はるさんを紹介(しょうかい)するよ! 彼女(かのじょ)はスプラトゥーンのツイートが多い(おおい)けど、スプラトゥーンが強い(つよい)だけじゃなくて、めちゃくちゃ可愛い(かわいい)コスプレイヤーさんなんだよ!さぁこれ見て(みて)今週(こんしゅう)も頑張ろう(がんばろう)! …

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Introducing Illustrator Vol.14 “Genyaki”

サムネイルはげんやき(@gn_yaky)さんのTwitterより Thumbnail from Genyaki @gn_yaky) Hi it’s me Nauzna! Today I’ll be introducing the 13th illustrator  on our page and that will be “Genyaki”, an artist who mainly draws FGO and Kan-Colle characters! Enjoy the show! こんにちは!なずなだよ!イラストレーター紹介(しょうかい)も13回目(かいめ)!今回(こんかい)はFGOや艦(かん)これのイラストを描(えが)いているげんやきさんを紹介(しょうかい)するよ! | Art Gallery — げんやき (@gn_yaky) 2018年5月29日 寒 — げんやき …

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Introducing Illustrator Vol.13 “Nana”

Thumbnail from Nana (@Nana_yume87) サムネイルはななさん(@Nana_yume87)のTwitterより Hi, it’s me Nazuna! Today I’ll be introducing an illustrator who loves drawing characters from Idol M@ster Cinderella Girls and “Ranka” from Macross! Already interested? Then come with me and let’s explore the art gallery of Nana! こんにちは!!なずなだよ〜!今回(こんかい)のイラストレーター紹介(しょうかい)はアイドルマスターシンデレラガールズの絵(え)や、マクロスのランカちゃんを描(えが)かれているななさんを紹介するよ! | Art Gallery 相葉夕美ちゃんで塗り練習~ — なな …

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C94 Day 3 digest “cosplayers”

thumbnail from Rio(@guguru_PICO) | It has finally come to an end… [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys, Nazuna here! I’m guess that I have to announce that it has come to an end to C94….it was the best of all in the past 3 days! If you were here, …

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C94 Day 2 digest “cosplayers”

thumbnail from Rio(@kikureri)   | Day 2 was a BLAST! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys, Nazuna here! How was your stay at Comiket on day 2? It was hot as usual but around the afternoon the climate just slightly dropped and it was more easier to walk around …

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C94 Day 1 digest “cosplayers”

thumbnail from Teroru(@10choco_magic) | It was just simply awesome! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys, Nazuna here! How was your day at C94 today? For me, it was just a blast and more overly, it was just so hot! Although we couldn’t see the comiket clouds, it sure was …

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Comic Market Map

 | Wondering you’ll get lost inside? Today I’ll be teaching you the map inside Comic Market! With this, I’m sure you’ll never get lost inside the building! Basically, the color purple indicates the company booths so if you are finding some kind of items based on companies items, then that’s …

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Wonder Festival Cosplayer Report!!

Thumbnail from “Mohciko Mochizuki”. サムネイルは望月もち子さんより Hi everybody! Sorry for keeping you waiting! I’m going to introduce some rare cosplayers who were in Wonder Festival! There’ll be many cute cosplayers so I hope you’re ready for this ride! Okay then, let’s get to it! 皆(みんな)おまたせ!!なずなだよ!ワンフェスの眩(めずら)しいコスプレイヤーさんたちを紹介(しょうかい)しちゃうよ!! 今回(こんかい)もめちゃくちゃ可愛(かわい)いコスプレ揃(そろ)いです!!早速(さっそく)見(み)ていこー! | Cosplay Gallery 7/29 WF …

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