
SPY×FAMILY: A masterful storytelling with a sense of discomfort. A review of the latest book about hitman Yoru’s struggles with her job.

The eighth volume of Tatsuya Endo’s manga “SPY x FAMILY” (Shueisha) has been released. This work is a spy action and home comedy distributed on the manga app “Shonen Jump +”. Tasogare, a Westerosi spy, disguises himself as psychiatrist Lloyd Forger in order to stop Desmond, the president of Ostania’s …


TV anime “Slow Loop” to start airing on January 7, 2022 – 2nd PV, character and cast information released! OP theme and ED theme decided!

From TV anime ‘Slow Loop,’ which will start in January 2022, the second PV, additional characters, casts, OP theme, and ED theme information have been released. Slow Loop” is a manga serialized by Maiko Uchino in “Manga Time Kirara Forward.” This is a girls’ story about two first-year high school …


Special Edition of “The Case Files of Lord Elmeloi II” to be Broadcasted on December 31st in “Fate Project New Year’s Eve TV Special 2021”! Key Visual Revealed!

“The Case Files of Lord Elmeroy II,” based on the legitimate and supreme magic mystery by Makoto Mita, was broadcasted as a TV anime at the end of 2018 and from October to December 2019 and was well-received for its delicate character portrayal and profound worldview. A special edition of …


The protagonist is an outlaw⁉”Trapped in a Dating World is a tough world for mobs” is getting a TV anime! PV and cast comments released!

A TV anime adaptation of the popular fantasy novel “Trapped in a Dating World is a tough world for mobs” (GC Novels) has been decided. Trapped in a Dating World is a tough world for mobs” (original story by Yomu Mishima, illustrations by Meng Tatsu) is a fantasy about the …