In the world of “Jujutsu Kaisen,” Yuki Tsukumo first appears in a flashback scene involving Toudou Aoi. For a while, Yuki Tsukumo’s true identity remains shrouded in mystery, fueling speculations about a potential mastermind role. However, as the story progresses, it is revealed that Yuki Tsukumo is, in fact, a …
In “The Apothecary Diaries,” set in a world reminiscent of ancient China, one of the characters is Jinshi, a eunuch with significant power. The story includes a pivotal scene where Jinshi brands himself. This article will explore the reasons behind Jinshi’s decision to use a branding iron on himself, which …
In “The Apothecary Diaries”, we introduce the Senior Consort, known as the Fourth Lady, with some spoilers included. The story revolves around the main character Maomao, who was kidnapped and sold to the inner palace. Using her knowledge of medicine and poison, she solves mysteries. This article provides an overview …
In “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End,” Zerrier, an elven mage, appears as a significant character. Zerrier is the head of the Continental Magic Association and holds a position managing mages worldwide. In the selection exam for first-class mages, Zerrier personally attends as an interviewer for the third phase. During this phase, …
The Immortal Weiss Ash is a character in “Shangri-La Frontier,” ruling over the Rabbit Kingdom as its leader. Weiss Ash exhibits exceptional abilities and strength in the series. This article focuses on the character of Weiss Ash from “Shangri-La Frontier.” We will delve into his profile, the significance of his …
Analysis of His Complex Emotions and Actions The anime “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End,” which started airing on September 29, 2023, features a unique setting where the story begins after the defeat of the Demon King. One of the interesting aspects of this series is the relationship between the long-lived elf …
Hari Chizuru, a character in “Jujutsu Kaisen,” might have had a surprisingly unceremonious journey from his first appearance to his death, but he has garnered attention as a lovable and unforgettable character among fans of the series. Hari Chizuru, appearing as an ally of Reggie Star, raises questions about the …
This article compiles the rumors about Ayanokoji’s potential class change in “Classroom of the Elite”. Here, we explore the possibility of Ayanokoji, the protagonist of “Classroom of the Elite” (abbreviated as “You-Zitsu”), changing classes in the future, including an analysis of why these rumors have surfaced. This includes his line …