Thumbnail image from @senanana_cos ■ Index– Check Point– Cosplay Gallery– One Point from Nazuna! | Check Point In these recent days, she mainly does cosplays of various characters from the famous game “Arknights” which holds quite a phenomenal amount of fans from all over the world! You may have heard …
|27,Dec 2020 Weekly Best Cosplayers [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”surprise.png” name=”Nazuna”]Christmas has passed and the end of the year is just around the corner. How are you guys doing in these days? Here are some of the cosplays I thought looked great this week (12/21-12/27)![/speech_bubble] ◆Ayaki_99 新作boothで通販中@Ayaki_chuchu99◆ granbluefantasy/Narmaya グランブルーファンタジー/ナルメヤ ◆チェリ☆アルベルティーナ @cheri_424◆ …
| About NerzExpress NerzExpress (NerzEx) is a service that allows you to purchase Japanese anime figures and straps directly from overseas, with the aim of enabling you to live a comfortable otaku life anywhere in the world, regardless of national borders. Unlike other e-commerce sites, you can request and purchase …