The TV anime of “Tokyo Manji Revengers” written by Ken Wakui (serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine) has finally started its broadcast! One day, 26-year-old freelancer Takemichi Hanagaki learns that his ex girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, has been killed by the Tokyo Manjikai, a group of gangsters, and in order to save …
First published in a magazine in 2003, “Natsume’s Book of Friends” continues to be serialized. A new animation “Natsume’s Book of Friends: Ishizaki and the Suspicious Visitor” has been showing in theaters for a limited time since January 16, 2021.This is a Japanese-style fantasy about the duo of Takashi Natsume, …
Crunchyroll, a provider of 360-degree omnidirectional content experiences including anime and manga in more than 200 countries and regions, announced the winners of the 5th annual Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2021 on February 19 (US time), honoring the best anime of the previous year. |Awarded works ◆Animation of the Year “Jujutsu …