The event of TV anime “Tokyo Revengers” written by Ken Wakui, “TV Anime ‘Tokyo Revengers’ Special Event – Tokyo Manjikai Tachikawa Touring” will be held on December 18th at TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN in Tokyo. Jacket of Blu-ray/DVD Volume 2.Jacket of the second volume of the Blu-ray/DVD. This was announced during …
The sci-fi Yankee manga “Tokyo Revengers” has been very popular and has been made into an anime and live-action movie.Tokyo Manji Revengers”.The main character, Hanagaki Takemichi, who used to be a delinquent, becomes aware of his ability to do a time leap back to his middle school days.He becomes a …
The theatrical anime “Fate/Grand Order -The Final Singularity: Crowned Temple of Time Solomon-” based on the smartphone RPG “Fate/Grand Order” will be released on July 30, 2021. At the same time, the key visual, preview, and cast and staff information were also announced. Fate/Grand Order -The Final Singularity: Crowned Temple …
The “Jujutsu Kaisen” x Namco Campaign” will be held from May 27th to July 11th, 2021 at approximately 200 directly operated amusement centers throughout Japan. During the period of the “Jujutsu Kaisen” x Namco Campaign, 6 kinds of “can badges”, “acrylic plates with stands”, and “SUKUNA’s finger chocolates”, all with …
Episode of Roselia I: The Promise,” which has been in theaters since April 23, we interviewed general director Kakimoto Kaitai and director Mimura Atsushi. The first film in the “Bandori! series, how did they go about creating the first story-centered theatrical anime? I: The Promise. (hereinafter referred to as “BanG …