Attack on Titans” (written by Hajime Isayama) reached its conclusion with the May issue of “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine” (Kodansha), released on April 9, 2021. The manga has become a social phenomenon, with the total number of copies sold exceeding 100 million. There are probably many people who have lost interest …
Kingdom: Shin,” an exhibition that allows visitors to experience the overwhelming power and excitement of “Kingdom,” the popular manga serialized in “Weekly Young Jump” (Shueisha), opened at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo on Saturday, June 12 (until July 25. The exhibition is scheduled to tour nationwide, including Fukuoka City …
Hobby store Amiami has announced the “Amiami Figure Reservation Ranking for May 2021”, which covers figures for which reservations were taken between May 1 and May 31, 2021.In first place was “Rukappu Demon Slayer: Fumikawa Jitsuya Complete Figure”, followed by “POP UP PARADE Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Black Magician Girl Complete …