thumbnail from Rio(@kikureri) | Day 2 was a BLAST! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys, Nazuna here! How was your stay at Comiket on day 2? It was hot as usual but around the afternoon the climate just slightly dropped and it was more easier to walk around …
thumbnail from Teroru(@10choco_magic) | It was just simply awesome! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys, Nazuna here! How was your day at C94 today? For me, it was just a blast and more overly, it was just so hot! Although we couldn’t see the comiket clouds, it sure was …
Thumbnail from “Mohciko Mochizuki”. サムネイルは望月もち子さんより Hi everybody! Sorry for keeping you waiting! I’m going to introduce some rare cosplayers who were in Wonder Festival! There’ll be many cute cosplayers so I hope you’re ready for this ride! Okay then, let’s get to it! 皆(みんな)おまたせ!!なずなだよ!ワンフェスの眩(めずら)しいコスプレイヤーさんたちを紹介(しょうかい)しちゃうよ!! 今回(こんかい)もめちゃくちゃ可愛(かわい)いコスプレ揃(そろ)いです!!早速(さっそく)見(み)ていこー! | Cosplay Gallery 7/29 WF …
Hey guys,Nauzna here! I’ll be reporting about “Wonder Festival 2018” and for my first volume, I’ll be introducing mainly about Idol M@ster! おはよう!なずなだよ!! ワンフェスのレポートVol.1はアイドルマスターを中心(ちゅうしん)に紹介(しょうかい)するよ! | AMI AMI [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Kanade is so sexy I wish I was that sexy as well…[/speech_bubble] | ALTER …