
beatmania IIDX test drive ~How did it go??~

It all started at 10:00 a.m September 4th. As the new series of Beatmania has been announced, I decided to pay a small visit to the event venue where I was able to try out the test drive. Only less did I know that in order to actually “play” the …


Online VR event from “TAMASHII NATIONS” for upcoming Comic-con@Home2020

|Online Comic-con BABY!! We all know how much COVID-19 is having an impact on numerous events and sadly one of the victims of this is Comic-con held in San Diego. However, here’s good news. Instead of holding this event outside, the event itself will be held online and available for …


Tamashii Features 2020 ~Why not check your favorite Gundam figures??~

As an anime fan, most of you might have purchased or thought about purchasing an anime figure. We all share the joy of decorating our rooms, desk, and perhaps furniture with figures to feel more close to our favorite characters from our favorite animes. If you are a huge fan …


FGO reprint event ~Fate/kaleid liner~

Hey guys!! I’m back and gosh it’s been a while! Well for my comeback, today I’ll be giving you the info of the reprint event from FGO ~Fate/kaleid liner~!! This is one of my favorite events in FGO history so I hope this short article will bring you the same …


Fate HF × Lawson collaboration!!

Happy new year guys! Started from this month on the 8th, there’s a collaboration of Lawson and the hot topic “Fate Stay/Night Heaven’s Feel” and of course this is only here in Japan!! Let’s see what the events got to offer!! |Alter-man(steamed bean-paste bun) |Limited clear file |Glass and jell-o …


C95 Digest ~Day 2~

Thumbnail image from @seeu_cosplay Day 2 was as awesome as the 1st one containing the fact that there were more cosplayers than the 1st day. If you haven’t seen how the 1st day went, then come check the previous article written about the digest from the 1st day! Today, Nazuna …


C95 Digest ~Day 1~

| C95 has started!! As it starts to get chilly outside most people would want to stay home and stay tucked in their beds…..but starting this day, a big battle for the otaku has just started!! Welcome to Comiket95 (C95)!! Even though it is like super cold the heat in …


Access info around Comiket!! (foods and stuffs)

| Are you really ready for your Big Day?? Are you wondering what else you can do during your stay at Comiket?? The event hall will be filled with so many people and event getting food is one hard task that you’ll need to overcome that day. What about after …


Comic Market “How to & basic knowledge”

Basic infomartion Place: Tokyo Big Site googlemap: Hours: 10:00 am ~ 4:00 pm What is comic market? [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Come on and check out this slide![/speech_bubble] | How to purchase items and actions after that Okay so first you’ll want to know the difference between …


Review of Summer C94 and prep for Winter C95

[speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”smile.png” name=”Nazuna”]Hey guys, how’s everything going? It’s almost the end of December and it’s quite cold outside…..but guess what, Comiket is just around the corner!! I just can’t wait to see cosplayers in their winter costumes! Okay so today, let’s review some of the cosplayers from the …