| Exhibition Hall 1~4!! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Okay so it’s time for the first report of the report of the event “Tokyo Game Show”! In this section I’ll be introducing some details from each event hall that I went and in this article I’ll be talking about the …
| This was better than last year!! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys, how’s it going? Nazuna here and today I’m here to give you the information of the event I went yesterday, “Tokyo Game Show 2018”! As I’ve already told you in my previous article of what the …
| The time has come again! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] What’s up guys! Nazuna here and I’ll be reporting on the event “Tokyo Game Show 2018”! But before I write a report about it, I thought I well as might write about the overview on how it’s going to …
Thumbnail image from @bamb00_take [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”]Hey guys! Nazuna here! How was your week? I hope you had a good one and don’t worry, if you have a devastating or somewhat awful week then I’ve got your back! This weeks illustrator is Bamboo @bamb00_take! Okay so every one …
thumbnail image from@mano_n00‘s cosplay [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”]Okay so for this week, I’m here to introduce you to another new cosplayer “Mano”(@mano_n00) ! The way she cosplays as Astolfo is exotic and really cute but not just only that but her other cosplays are also overwhelming! Enjoy this weeks …
Thumbnail image from @purplrpouni | Summer’s not over yet!! [speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”def.png” name=”Nazuna”] Hey guys Nazuna here! I’ve got one question for you guys, do you really think summer has already ended? Cause if you think so, then you’re absolutely wrong! As a matter of fact, I’ll give you …
| It’s about TIME!! Finally….the time has come…..the release of the film of Non Non Biyori….and guess what, I just went to see it! Hey guy’s, Nazuna here and I’m here today to bring the review of the awesome film that I just went to see “Non Non Biyori”! Not …
thumbnail image from@snesnebem Hey everyone! How’s it going? Nazuna here and I’m here to bring you another cute cosplayer so that you can fight through your rough week that’s just about to come up! Are you ready to be purified? Alright then let’s get going! 皆(みんな)元気(げんき)〜?なずなだよ!今日(きょう)も可愛い(かわいい)コスプレイヤーさんを紹介(しょうかい)していくよ!それじゃ、早速(さっそく)今回(こんかい)も行って(いって)みましょう! | Cosplay Gallery …
サムネイルはうたよいさんのTwitter(@utayo_i)より Thumbnail from Utayoi(@utayo_i) Hi everyone, Nazuna here! Well this has now become the 16th volume of “Introducing Japanese Illustrators” and I hope you all are enjoying this! Okay so today I’m going to bring you an artist who draws art characters from the game FGO! Enjoy!! こんにちは!!なずなだよ!!イラストレイター紹介(紹介)16回目(回目)!!今回(こんかい)はfgoの二次創作絵(にじそうさくえ)を描(えが)かれている、うたよいさんを紹介(しょうかい)するよ! BBちゃんナースver.らくがき♩#FGO pic.twitter.com/eNe3y91D8C …
thumbnail image from@1035_magica‘s cosplay of Hi everyone, Nazuna here! I’ve came up with some super kawaii cosplayer for you guys so that you can fight through this week! Hope you’ll like it! Okay then, lets get going! 皆(みんな)なずなだよ!今日(きょう)も皆が今週(こんしゅう)の乗り切る(のりきる)ために可愛い(かわいい)コスプレイヤーのとみこさんを紹介(しょうかい)するよ! それでは早速(さっそく)見て(みて)癒されて(いやれされて)いこう! | Cosplay Gallery 曜ちゃんコスで知ってフォローしてくれた方多いと思うので、制服のコスプレもしてましたアピール⚓️ pic.twitter.com/1Hgktnjq7F — とみこ🍣 (@1035_magica) 2018年8月15日 …