The hugely popular manga “Jujutsu Kaisen” has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2018. It has been adapted into an anime and anime film, gripping fans’ hearts with its unpredictable heated developments! This article thoroughly explains Atsuya Kusakabe, the 2nd year homeroom teacher and 1st grade jujutsu sorcerer appearing …
Mahito is a special grade cursed spirit who opposes Itadori and the others in “Jujutsu Kaisen”, appearing as part of the false Geto’s group to torment the protagonist Itadori. This article will thoroughly explain the strength and first appearance of Mahito, his actions in the Shibuya Incident, and spoilers about …
From September 30 (Sat) to October 29 (Sun), 2023, the “Chainsaw Man Animation Exhibition” will be held in a special venue on the 7th floor of Shinsaibashi OPA in Osaka. Amidst decorations evoking scenes from Chainsaw Man, precious key animation frames, storyboards, and production materials from the TV anime episodes …
The narou-style manga “The Eminence in Shadow!” is a popular work that has sold over 2 million copies as of September 2022. It features many highlights such as the protagonist Cid, who possesses overwhelming power yet chuunibyou tendencies, and the charming heroine. This article will introduce the plot of “The …
In “Jujutsu Kaisen,” Noritoshi Kamo, the most notorious curse user, is still alive despite his death. This article provides a comprehensive explanation about why Noritoshi Kamo is alive, the circumstances of his death, the identity of the fake Noritoshi, the significance of the stitches on his forehead, and the possibility …
“HoriMiya” is a popular manga that revolves around the romance and friendship between the charismatic Hori Kyoko and the introverted Miyamura Izumi. The series has also been adapted into an anime. In this overview, we will explain the synopsis of the anime “HoriMiya,” introduce the main characters and their voice …
“Bungo Stray Dogs” is a series set in Yokohama that depicts the battles of individuals with supernatural abilities, and one of the most powerful ability users among the Port Mafia is Ryunosuke Akutagawa. In this article, we will thoroughly explain the strength and past of Ryunosuke Akutagawa, a character from …