The serialization of “My Hero Academia” (Shueisha, hereafter “Hiroaka”) is finally coming to an end. This work, serialized by Kohei Horikoshi in Weekly Shonen Jump, is a hero manga that successfully incorporates the taste of American comics such as “Spider-Man” and “Batman” into the world of battle manga with a …
A special report on the movie “Laid-Back Camp △” based on Afro’s original work, the second teaser visual, and the further grown Kakamigahara Nadeshikora’s visuals have also been released. The teaser finally reveals a part of the story. Rin Shima walking in a suit and Nadeshiko working at an outdoor …
Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-San has two main attractions: the overly cool words and actions of the beautiful girl heroine Shikimori-San, and the heroine-like cuteness of the boy Izumi, who has an unhappy constitution. Plus, the occasional gap between the two is just irresistible. ……! This work has received a …