Bungo Stray Dogs” has announced the production of a new season. Bungo Stray Dogs” is a cross-genre battle action work in which characters named after real-life literary giants such as Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, and Ryunosuke Akutagawa are active. The manga was first serialized by Kafuka Asagiri and 35 Harukawa …
This article contains spoilers for “Tokyo Revengers”. The “Tokyo Revengers” is doing very well with its original book, anime, and live-action movie. The popularity of this work is soaring, and it is captivating many people. There are many reasons for this work’s popularity, but one of them is that it …
(C) Ken Wakui, Kodansha / “Tokyo Revengers” Production Committee The manga “Tokyo Manji Revengers” by Ken Wakui is about the main character Takemichi, who avoids a tragic fate through repeated time leaps. Who really is the mastermind behind the series of events that led to Hina’s murder? This article will …
Animate Co., Ltd. has announced the release of the TV anime “Tokyo Revengers” tokkofuku loungewear as a new product in their made-to-order product project “animate LIMITED SELECTION”. The loungewear from the popular TV anime series “Tokyo Revengers” is a reproduction of the suicide uniforms worn by Manjiro Sano, Ken Ryuguji, …
Tokyo Revengers” has established its position as a very popular manga, ranking first in the number of viewers of subscription video distribution titles and maintaining a high sales ranking for comics. Because it is a Yankee manga, there are many fight scenes in this work. When you watch the battle …
PSYCHO-PASS” is a science fiction suspense series airing on Fuji TV’s late-night anime channel “Noitamina” since 2012. We will introduce the characters and production team from the anime version to the movie version. |Anime “PSYCHO-PASS”, a world in the near future where potential stress is quantified. PSYCHO-PASS” is set in …
This article is about my impressions and thoughts on the classroom of the elite 2nd-grade version, volume 4.5, which was released on June 25, 2021. |Summary A summer vacation aboard a luxury cruise ship is about to begin! After overcoming various events, the desert island test is over. The long-awaited …