Citation element: KADOKAWA “Mieruko-chan “Mieruko-chan” is a horror gag manga by Asaki Izumi, currently (as of April 2021) published in five volumes, with an anime adaptation in the works. One day, the main character, Miko, an ordinary high school girl, suddenly begins to see strange spirits and monsters. They appear …
Asaki Izumi, KADOKAWA / Mieruko-chan Production Committee Miko Yotsuya is a high school girl who has become able to see things that normal people can’t, such as strange and dangerous people. Mieruko-chan”, which is currently being serialized in “ComicWalker”, depicts her life full of fear and laughter. In this article, …
From the original TV animation “Visual Prison” which will start airing in October, the main visual and the second PV have been released. Also, Yutaka Kiyatake and Jun Utahiroba of “Golden Bomber” will be making guest appearances in the film. Visual Prison” is set in the present day, where music-loving …
≪The popular light novel “The World’s Best Assassin, Reincarnated as an Otherworldly Aristocrat” (published by Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko) has already sold over 400,000 copies due to its unique combination of “Otherworld x Assassination”. The TV anime of this work will start airing in October 2021. And now, the artists and …
CyberAgent’s Animation Division and EXNOA’s “DMM GAMES” joint media mix project, “Praore! ~PRIDE OF ORANGE~”, a joint media mix project between CyberAgent Inc. Also, “Praore! -PRIDE OF ORANGE-” will appear on stage at the “Kyoto International Manga & Anime Fair (KyoMafu) 2021,” a comprehensive trade fair for contents centered on …
[speech_bubble type=”drop” subtype=”L1″ icon=”surprise.png” name=”Nazuna”] That’s it for all 12 episodes of Yuru-Can△ locations. If you have any requests, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know if you would like me to introduce Season 2. I can’t wait to go camping too! [/speech_bubble] The TV animation …
This article contains spoilers for “Tokyo Revengers”. The “Tokyo Revengers” is doing very well with its original book, anime, and live-action movie. The popularity of this work is soaring, and it is captivating many people. There are many reasons for this work’s popularity, but one of them is that it …